I agree with Pink; the Conceptual Age is truly upon us. However, we must not forget the left side that has gotten us this far. Again, balance is key. Although minor, it is a pleasure to see the Visual Prompt added to the Language Arts portion of the H.S.P.A. While a small step, it is in the right direction.
Interestingly enough, they took away the picture prompt for Grades 3-8 NJ ASK. Hmmm. One step forward, 2 steps back.
Interesting drawing. I agree whole heartedly - you need a combination of left and right. I have to admit, though, that I think it is easier for left to survive without right than it is for right to survive without left.
Great drawing and concise response! I agree with you that balance is key and that the left-brainers have gotten us this far. Whether we want to believe it or not, people need structure and organization to be successful at school, in the workplace and in life!
Professor- I didn't know that! That's truly a dissapointment and an inconsistency, because when these students get to high shcool, they will be less prepared for using their imagination in writing. What a shame.
Elise and April- i like your points, left brain is also quite important. I don't think the scales will tip absolutely in the right brain direction.
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