Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A Big CURR530 Welcome!

Hello All,
To my Bloomfield colleagues, don't be alarmed, I am using this blog for a hybrid course at Montclair State. Although this may get a bit confusing, I am sure that some of these posts will intertwine with the topics that we have or will discuss.

Since I am a vivid dreamer, I am sure the anxiety of taking my first hybrid course will produce dreams filled with blinking password screens, never-ending website addresses, and a computer screen that devourers me like a flesh-eating zombie. Naturally, I figured this would be a good time to complete my first assignment.

I am an English teacher at Bloomfield High School, and I absolutely love what I do (almost every day). My passion for teaching has so far dictated my goal for the future: supervisor of a small Language Arts department with a light teaching load. However, for a someone who planned to be a surgeon, a psychologist, and became a teacher, I cannot count anything out.

I was born and raised in Kiev, Ukraine, and came to U.S in 1992, living the American dream ever since, thanks to my mother and father: my role models, my heroes, my inspiration.
Although a bit timid, I am looking forward to being challenged by this class, after all....*insert an inspirational quote about facing challenges here.*
*Next goal: learn how to format posts. Picture: La Romana, Dominican Republic, one of my favorite places


Barry Bachenheimer said...

I'd like to know more as to why you didn't want to be a surgeon! Hopefully those dreams won't haunt you too much-- you are off to a good start!

Keri Regina said...

I went to DR also. It was great time. Go to Cabo...it's amazing there!

A said...

It's nice to have such a dedicated professional in the town over! There's never anything wrong with dreaming, but it definitely seems you have made yours a reality. That's great!

shannoncore said...

I can't believe we are in the same class together! What a small world. Is that where you went with C? It looks beautiful! I agree with Keri, Cabo is amazing!

Anonymous said...

Born in Kiev, are you a soccer fan by any chance? Dynamo? I remember watchnig Shevchenko take them to the Champions League semi-finals...Ok, at this point I hope you like soccer, otherwise you're probably blocking me from commenting on your blog!

Kristie Prokop said...

Hi! I really enjoyed reading your post.

Mrs. Stawicki said...

I am excited about you using this blog for class. I think it will definitely have validity for our group, as you will be introducing us to new information through your class!

See you Monday!

Kate DeLuca said...

That picture is beautiful! You may have convinced me to take a vacation there:-) It seems so different this semester without having our class every Wednesday night!

Fiona said...

part of me always wanted to be a doctor/surgeon as well.... there is something so cool about being able to help people that are sick and changing their lives forever

April Coniglio said...

How was life in the Ukraine? I'd love to visit the Dominican Republic. Maybe that will be my next vacation!