Wednesday, June 24, 2009

I have no TV

Yes, I will admit, I did not switch to digital! Oh the horror! All I can watch is the incessant media messages urging me to immediately call, run, check, install, just hurry before you miss the latest scandal on "Real Housewives of New Jersey" or the breaking news on how many cigarettes Obama smokes a day. Have I been missing the world? I must admit, at times, it feels just like that. So I am ready to admit: I am a T.V addict.

Without television there is strange quiet in my home; I do not have the option of the "Power" button, but instead have the power to choose what I will do. I will finish that Rasputin Biography, check on the little herb garden, write, try to teach myself "To Elise" by Beethoven. But I must hurry, the cable man is coming soon, and I may not have enough time.

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